Hob painting Gilstead Road
Emma Pilkington (née Kay)
Born 1968
BA Hons Glasgow school of Art - 1991
Born again 1997
Solo shows include
“Drawn from life” – Matthew Flowers at Flowers East - 1997
“Receiving Grace” – St Saviours Church Knightsbridge - 2003
“Heaven meets Earth” – Christ Church Fulham - 2009
Winning the Elizabeth Greenshields Award while at art school - 1992
She went on to be commended in the BP Portrait Award - 1994
Private collectors include
Maggi Hambling
James Kirkman
Isobel Johnstone
Commissions include
Group portrait of the Wimbledon Football Team the year they won the FA Cup - 1988
Portrait of her Father, Emeritus Professor of Immunology Imperial College London - 2004
As a wife and mother she has exhibited privately from home for the last decade, selling to friends and family.
All work is copyright Emma Pilkington
Instagram: emma_pilkington_artist